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Write it Right - A guide to Harvard referencing style


In-text citation: Reference List item:
According to Jones (2021), forecasters said this winter was the coldest in eight years.

Jones, P. (2021) 'Are winters in Ireland getting colder?', Irish Energy Blog, 7 February. Available at: (Accessed: 19 April 2021).

Author/Owner name, initial(s). (year of publication) 'Title of message', Blog Title, date of posting. Available at: web address (Accessed: date).

Course material on a VLE (Moodle)

In-text citation: Reference List item:
Illegal dumping of waste is a key factor in environmental pollution (Bloggs, 2021).

Bloggs, J. (2021) 'Climate notes'. 7456: Environment 1. TUS: Midwest. Available at: (Accessed: 5 September 2023).

Lecturer name, initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of item'. Module code: Module title. Name of institution. Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

Electronic discussion lists

In-text citation: Reference List item:
Alternative energy sources, such as wind turbines, were discussed by Smith (2020).

Smith, F. (2020) 'Considering wind turbines', Alternative energy discussion list, 19 March. Available email:  

Author(s) name, initial(s). (Year of message) 'Subject of message', Title of discussion group or bulletin board, Date of post. Available email: email address.


In-text citation: Reference List item: 

The Kildare-based company, uses anaerobic digestion to convert agricultural and food waste to renewable energy (Green Generation, 2020).


Green Generation (2020) About us [Facebook] 11 November. Available at: greengenerationireland/ (Accessed: 20 April 2021).


Author /Owner name [if available. If not, use Title] (Year of publication) Title of post [Facebook] date of post. Available at: web address (Accessed: date).


Personal communication - email/Skype

In-text citation: Reference List item:

Smith (2021) informed Bloggs of the issue via e-mail.

Bloggs (2021) followed up with Smith via Skype.

Smith, F. (2021) Email to Joe Bloggs, 28 April.

Bloggs, J. (2021) Skype conversation with Frank Smith, 30 April.

Sender/Speaker name, initial(s). (Year of communication) Medium of communication to/with Receiver of communication, Day/month.


In-text citation: Reference List item:
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) produced a podcast to mark International Women’s Day (2021). 

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) (2021) 180 Degrees [Podcast] 8 March. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2021).

Author/Presenter (Year of publication) Title of podcast [Podcast] date of transmission. Available at: web address (Accessed: date).


In-text citation: Reference List item:
Wind Energy Ireland reports records in wind power generation in both July & August (2023).

Wind Energy Ireland (2023) 'Strong winds throughout last month' [Twitter] 7 September. Available at: (Accessed: 14 September 2023).

Author/Owner (Year of publication) Full-text of tweet [Twitter] date of post. Available at: web address (Accessed: date).


In-text citation: Reference List item:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2023) maintains that ‘lack of access to clean and healthy green and blue spaces is associated with poorer outcomes for mental and physical health'.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2023) Environment, health and wellbeing. Available at: (Accessed: 5 September 2023).

Owner of webpage (Year of publication) Title of page. Available at: web address (Accessed: date).


In-text citation: Reference List item:
Climate change refers to large scale shifts in weather patterns ('Climate change', 2021).

'Climate change' (2021) Wikipedia. Available at: change (Accessed: 26 April 2021).

'Subject of page' (Year of publication) Name of wiki. Available at: web address (Accessed: date).

YouTube video

In-text citation: Reference List item:
Installing solar panels on your roof could save energy (Electric Ireland, 2018). 

Electric Ireland (2018) Electric Ireland explains how solar PV (photovoltaic) works. 30 October. Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2021).

Name of person/organisation posting video (Year video posted) Video title. Date uploaded (if available). Available at: web address (Accessed: date).

The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest