Metrics about publications are the most widely used measure of research impact. There are a number of metrics that contribute to this category, including:
- Scholarly output
- Citation Count
- Citations per Output
- Impact Factor (incl. SNIP and SJR)
- h-index
- Field-Weighted Citation Impact
- Outputs in Top Percentiles
- Publications in Top Journal Percentiles
- Publishing Track Record
- Library Holdings
- Other Metrics
A word on Snowball Metrics
Snowball metrics are a defined set of metrics, that aim to inform all areas of research activity. Agreeing methodologies, which can be consistently applied to research management information, creates consistency and facilitates benchmarking between peer institutions. This helps to establish a reliable foundation for institutional strategic decision making to complement existing approaches.
As you work through this guide you will see the Snowball metric icon, indicating that the particular metric is based on
More information on Snowball Metrics can be found here.