The following funding agencies have open access requirements to publications arising from your research and, increasingly, your data:
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) Policy on Open Access
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research Open Access Policy (2014)
European Research Council (ERC) Open Access Guidelines for researchers funded by the ERC
Health Research Board (HRB) Policy on Open Access
Irish Research Council (IRC) policy related to open access
This list is not exhaustive and it is imperative you are aware of any and all Open Access requirements attached to funding awarded. Failure to meet Open Access mandates can result in withholding of payments attached to that award and suspension from applying for future funding.
Sherpa/JULIET – Is a searchable database of funder policies. Funder policies change regularly and it is advised their websites are consulted regularly.
The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest