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Harvard Referencing - The Basics

Introduction to the Harvard Referencing style

Reference List (2020) The "joys" of academic referencing. Available at: (Accessed: 9 April 2020). 

Carroll, J. (2002) A handbook for deterring plagiarism in higher education. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.

Curtin University Library (2020) Referencing. Available at:  (Accessed: 23 April 2020).

George, S. (2017) What does a reference look like?. Available at: (Accessed: 6 April 2020).

Herriot-Watt University (2015) Harvard referencing style. Available at: 
(Accessed: 9 April 2020).

Lauren's The Write Way (2016) Quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. Available at: (Accessed: 7 April 2020).

Library & Information Resource Centre (2021) Write it right: a guide to the Harvard referencing system. Available at: (Accessed: 2 July 2021).

NEIU Libraries (2020) What is academic honesty?. Available at:
(Accessed: 29 September 2020).

Pacific Lutheran University (2020) Avoiding plagiarism. Available at: (Accessed: 6 April 2020).

PolyU ELC (2014) Five referencing problems: Harvard. Available at: 
(Accessed: 16 April 2020).

Pretorius, L. (2015) Referencing quick guide. Available at: (Accessed: 16 April 2020).

Toons (2012) Cartoon plagiarism. Available at: (Accessed: 22 September 2020). (2020) When to quote, paraphrase or summarize. Available at: (Accessed 9 April 2020).


This guide was created by Nora Hegarty, TUS Library: Midwest.

The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest