'passing off someone else's work,
whether intentionally
or unintentionally, as your own for your own benefit'
(Carroll, 2002, p. 9)
Plagiarism is taken very seriously at third-level.
You will face a number of penalties if you commit plagiarism. (Toons, 2012)
As a general principle, if you use the work (words and ideas) of other people, you must give the authors credit for it. This is basic academic honesty. You give the authors credit for their work by referencing all of your sources correctly.
As we have seen already, following the Harvard Style, you must include a citation (in-text) and a full reference (at the end) of your assignment.
If you don't remember to do this, you may be accused of plagiarising the work of others, and of misleading your readers about the origin of your ideas. You will be guilty of academic dishonesty.
(Pacific Lutheran University, 2020)
(NEIU Libraries, 2020)
The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest