We have a large number of eBooks for students, staff and researchers. The main way to search for resources is by using the search engine Discover. However, occasionally you will require more specialist resources for your studies, particularly if you are researching for Final Year Projects and Dissertation.
If the item you are searching for is unavailable at LIT Library, try our inter library loans service. We may be able to borrow the books or journal articles that you want from another library for you. Request forms are available online by the library website or your library account.
CCS Tutor Cormac Morrison has set aside a list of books relating to theory of animation which we keep on the main stack as a 'three day loan', they are a brilliant resource when it comes to writing that final year project. For a full list of these please ask us at the issue desk.
If the book you need has already been borrowed, the catalogue will display when a copy of that book is due for return, use the PLACE HOLD option to reserve the first available copy.
Log in to your account (with your TUS username and password) and place a hold.
You will receive an email from us when the book is ready for collection.
Some important shelf numbers for Animation:
Cartoons & Comics
Technical aspects of Animation
Animated Films
Animated programmes for T.V.
Video games
The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest