Scopus Author Profiles allow researchers to:
Author Profiles allow potential employers and funding agencies to:
Scopus is the only database that implements algorithmic and systematic author disambiguation. Powerful algorithmic data-processing groups papers to an individual's profile with a high degree of accuracy based on matching of name, email, affiliation, subject area, citations, and co-authors.
Review your Author Profile to make sure it is up to date with the latest publications, and citations.
Use Author Profiles to look for other researchers (globally and locally) active in the same research field for collaboration or to review the latest research your colleagues have published.
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Despite the sophistication of the algorithmic profiling used by Scopus, algorithms cannot always match all documents to a single profile with 100% accuracy.
The Scopus Author Feedback Wizard, which now features modular options, supports faster and easier updates. Skip the step-by-step process and provide feedback on an individual component of an author profile. The new workflow also delivers visual feedback on the changes you are requesting, so it’s easy to spot and correct errors prior to submission.
With the Author Feedback Wizard, you can:
You can also request to merge duplicate profiles via the Author list page.
Explore an Author’s output to see which research areas they are active in and their impact by reviewing:
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The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest