Jump around
It's okay to skip around in a scholarly article. Start by skimming the abstract, introduction, conclusion, and look at images or data representations. If the article looks to be useful for your purposes, read it from the beginning to end.
Keep it strategic
While you are reading, reflect on how the article relates to what you want to write about or research.
Mark it up
Take notes. Interact with the article. How do the ideas or information presented relate to what you want to write about?
Cut through the jargon
Unfamiliar technical terms? Google or use a specialized dictionary to find definitions.
If the article is relevant after you've read through it, consider reading it again.
Find the source
References can be a very useful resource. Be sure to skim the titles in the References section. You could find another scholarly article you want to read.
What strategies does the narrator suggest for reading a scholarly article?
What suggested reading strategies have you already used? What suggested reading strategies are new to you?
What strategies might you adopt into your own research practice?
from Western Libraries
Critically evaluating online resources
This session looks at two standards that will help you to evaluate online resources and become a critical thinker!
1. The ABC’s of Information Evaluation (online journals) 2. The 5W’s of Website Evaluation (websites)