ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control. You can connect your iD with your professional information – affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, etc. More and more funding bodies and publishers require you to have an ORCID profile, get ahead by creating and populating your profile now.
Other benefits to researchers include: Making your work more discoverable by others, automatically update publication lists, distinguishing you from other researchers with similar names, connecting you to your research throughout your career, no matter how your name appears in publications, minimising the time you spend entering data when submitting research for publication or applying for grants.
Go to: https://orcid.org/register
Populating your ORCiD profile should be approached like updating your CV.
Start with your Employment History, listing Limerick Institute of Technology as your current employer, and work back chronologically.
Listing LIT as your current employer, along wih your LIT email address, asserts your affiliation to Limerick Institute of Technology.
Complete each section, those that are not relevant to you (eg. not in receipt of any grants) can be excluded. Visibility settings on complete subheading should be set to everyone, in order for your complete profile to be available. To do this, select the green icon for each section .
LIT advise connecting your ORCiD iD to any other research identifiers you may have. This may include Scopus Author ID, Web of Science Researcher ID/Publons ID and Europe PubMed Central ID. Connecting your profiles on these resources to ORCiD, allows these services to "push" your publication details through automatically to your ORCiD profile, saving manual entry.
Please consult the following guidelines on how to connect your ORCID iD to other identifiers:
It is also worth noting that ResearchGate does not have any streamlined workflow to export your publication metadata back into your ORCID profile. You can add your ORCID iD to your ResearchGate Profile, but this only allows the harvesting of data for RG and allows them to prompt for publications you have not yet listed with them.
Manual Entry
Linking you ORCiD profile with the above profiles may not capture all your publication history (journals not indexed in platforms or format of publications not included). To complete your publication history you may need to "manually" enter publication data, there are three options below;
Based on AIT's Library LibGuide
The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest