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'Library' Online Classes: Recordings

Scroll down the screen to read about our range of online classes in support of student learning. Click on the images to listen to recordings of the classes. Click here for the current training timetable and to book a place at a session. If you have any questions about any of the classes, you can e-mail us - Want to learn more about the Library? Check out our suite of 'how to' videos, and/or visit the Library Guides page for a selection of subject and help guides on all aspects of the service.

Welcome to the Library

This session introduces you to the library. It focuses on the library website, and provides a general overview of library services, resources and facilities, including the library guides.  

Plagiarism - what it is and how to avoid it

This session defines plagiarism, provides some examples of plagiarism, and shares tips and techniques for avoiding plagiarism in your academic work. It also introduces the Harvard Referencing System.

Introduction to Zotero Reference Manager

This online tutorial introduces the reference management software, Zotero. Zotero is a free and easy to use software that allows you to collect, organise, share and cite your research.

Getting started with your Final Year Project (FYP)

This session is geared towards final year undergraduate students. It zones in on the library resources that can help you get started with your FYP. Tips and techniques for dissertation writing are included in the session. 

Open Access Publishing the How and the Why

This session explains what Open Access is, why we should publish Open Access, and how to Publish Open Access. This session details the three main routes to Open Access publishing - Green, Gold, and Diamond. 

Searching for Research

This session focuses on efficiently and effectively searching for research, with an overview of Google, Google Scholar, and the library search engine, Discover! It also introduces the scholarly web.

Introduction to Harvard Referencing

This session provides an overview of the Harvard Referencing System, with a focus on how to reference books, journal papers and websites. It also promotes the Library 'Write it Right' referencing guide. 

Introduction to Mendeley Reference Manager

In this online tutorial you will learn how to download, sign-in and get started with the Mendeley Reference Manager, as well as Mendeley Cite (for Word) and the Web Importer.

How to Publish with IReL APCs Information Session


This session explores how to publish open access by utilising IReL's Read & Publish deal which provides APCs for Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, SAGE, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley. 

How to Choose a Journal to Publish in

This session explores how to choose a journal to publish in. Topics covered include choosing first, writing second, things to consider when choosing a journal, journal selection tools, do's and don'ts of journal selection and publishing, and how to avoid predatory publishers. 

Finding, Accessing & Using eBooks

This session explains how to find, access and use the eBooks that TUS Library Midwest provides. It also provides searching tips and searching demonstrations using Discover and the library databases. 

Paraphrasing - an overview

This session defines paraphrasing and provides an overview of what paraphrasing is. It also contains examples and exercises outlining good and bad paraphrasing in practice. 

Critically evaluating online resources

This session looks at two standards that will help you to evaluate online resources and become a critical thinker!
1. The ABC’s of Information Evaluation (online journals) 

2. The 5W’s of Website Evaluation (websites)

Developing a Search Strategy for a Literature Review

This session explores what a lit review is, the steps of a lit review, and what types of sources to include in a lit review. It also details how to develop and implement a search strategy with practical examples. 

Introduction to Research Data Management : Writing a Data Management Plan

This session introduces Research Data Management, outlines how to write a Data Management Plan (DMP), and discusses resources for writing a DMP including templates and tools as well as links to further training and reading. 

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The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest