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Interdisciplinary Engineering Research Review Journal (IERRJ)

ISSN 2990-8426

Interdisciplinary Engineering Research Review Journal (IERRJ) aims to offer an illuminating lens on the ongoing research initiatives within the Engineering disciplines at Technological University of the Shannon (TUS). IERRJ is a platform to disseminate research conducted at TUS, with a specific focus on all areas of Engineering. Our primary emphasis is on cultivating interdisciplinary research that seamlessly integrates with various engineering domains. The overarching goal of IERRJ is to facilitate the publication process for works by Master's, PhDs, and staff members across all engineering fields at TUS and to present fresh perspectives on both emerging and well-established challenges within the realm of engineering. Accepted papers present a diverse range of contributions, including experimental results, theoretical analyses, designs, or innovations related to machines, mechanization systems, processes, equipment, buildings, experimental setups, as well as laboratory and analytical techniques.

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