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Aisling Slevin

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Aisling Slevin

My Guides

'How to' videos
Last update: Mar 2, 2023 350 views
Built Environment
Last update: Jun 28, 2024 107 views
Civil Engineering
Last update: Jun 28, 2024 539 views
Last update: Jun 28, 2024 2661 views
Last update: Jun 28, 2024 1564 views
Environmental Science
Last update: Jul 25, 2024 190 views
Forensic Science
Last update: Oct 13, 2023 795 views
Last update: Apr 10, 2024 339 views
Interior Design
Last update: Apr 10, 2024 556 views
Open Access Publishing
Last update: Apr 10, 2024 376 views
Last update: Apr 11, 2024 285 views
Social Sciences
Last update: Jun 28, 2024 577 views
Last update: Jun 28, 2024 1084 views

My Subject Specialties

No subject specialties have been selected.

The Library, Technological University of the Shannon: Midwest